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5 mM 30 mM 5 mM 30 mM 5 mM 30 mM 5 mM 30 mM 5 mM 30 mM 5 mM 30 mM 5 mMSpent medium fromSynechococcus sp.Synechococcus sp. +A. tonsa 1 day cultureSpent medium from T.weissflogii + A. tonsa20 days culturesSpent medium from T.weissflogii + A. tonsa10 days culturesSpent medium fromT. weissflogii purecultureT. weissflogii + A.tonsa 20 daysculturesT. weissflogii + A.tonsa 10 daysculturesEvolution of Phytoplankton-Grazers Interactionparticular. Thus, even our limited range of experiments document the classes of response to grazing pressure well established among land plants. These experiments support the hypothesis that both protistan and metazoan grazing have influenced the evolution of marine phytoplankton through time. Continuing experiments on a wider phylogenetic sampling of phytoplankton, a greater range of chemical conditions, and an expanded roster of grazers should enable us to tease out the changing biological and physical factors that facilitated the observed long term evolutionary succession of phytoplankton in continental shelf and platform waters.Alpha-Estradiol Much remains to be done, but at this stage of understanding it seems that the debate about whether gazers, seawater chemistry or individual adaptations have shaped observed evolutionary patterns should be replaced by discussions of how all three have interacted though time to produce the evolutionary history inferred fossils, biomarker molecules, and molecular clocks.of Euplotes sp. or of A. tonsa, at 1 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM or 30 mM SO42-. The error bars represent the standard deviation values calculate for at least three independent replicates. (TIFF) Figure S6. Specific growth rate VS dry weight VS grazing T. weissflogii. Specific growth rate expressed as a function of the cellular dry weight of T. weissflogii cells cultured in the presence of Euplotes sp. or of A. tonsa, at 1 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM or 30 mM SO42-. The error bars represent the standard deviation values calculate for at least three independent replicates.Silibinin (TIFF) Figure S7. Specific growth rate VS dry weight VS grazing Synechococcus sp. Specific growth rate expressed as a function of the cellular dry weight of T. weissflogii cells cultured in the presence of Euplotes sp. or of A. tonsa, at 1 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM or 30 mM SO42-. The error bars represent the standard deviation values calculate for at least three independent replicates. (TIFF) Figure S8. Effect of grazers on the lipid:protein ratio. Lipid to protein ratio of (A) T. suecica, (B) T.PMID:32180353 weissflogii and (C) Synechococcus sp. cells cultured at 1 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM or 30 mM SO42- in the presence of Euplotes sp. or A. tonsa. The value was normalized to the lipid to protein ratio calculated for the cells acclimated to 30 mM SO42- in the absence of grazers. The error bars represent the standard deviation values calculate for four independent replicates. (TIFF) Figure S9. Effect of grazers on the carbohydrate:protein ratio. Carbohydrate to protein ratio of (A) T. suecica and (B) Synechococcus sp. cells cultured in the presence of 1 mM, 5 mM, 10 mM or 30 mM SO42- and of Euplotes sp. or A. tonsa. The value was normalized to the carbohydrate to protein ratio calculated for the cells acclimated to 30 mM SO42- in the absence of grazers. The error bars represent the standard deviation values calculate for four independent replicates. (TIFF) Figure S10. Effect of grazers on the carbohydrate:lipid ratio. Carbohydrate to lipid ratio of (A) T. suecica and (B) Synechococcus sp. cells cultured in the.

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Author: Betaine hydrochloride