Ecipitation, each day mindaily temperature, and everyday maximum temperatures from year 1988 to 2020 (33 years), imumminimum temperature, and each day maximum temperatures from year 1988 to 2020 (33 years), have been used to calculate 17 extremeextreme climate in the UGRB. The seasonalseasonal were used to calculate for the for the 17 climate indices indices within the UGRB. The information for information station station had been calculated using daily data, following seasons considered in this every for eachwere calculated employing daily data, and theand the following seasons considered within this study are: (MAM), summer (JJA), autumn (SON), (SON), and winter study are: spring, spring, (MAM), summer season (JJA), autumn and winter (DJF). (DJF).Table 1. Detailed facts for each climate station thought of in this study. Table 1. Detailed information and facts for each climate station Goralatide Description regarded in this study. No. No. Station Data Station Longitude Elevation Longitude ( E) Latitude ( Elevation (m. a.s.l.) Latitude N) Name Data Availability Availability ( . . . .) Name 23 June 1918 Jeonju 23 June 1918 to 127.155 35.822 61.4 Jeonju 127.155 35.822 61.4 to present present 9 January 9 Geumsan January 1972 to 1972 to 127.482 36.106 172.69 Geumsan 127.482 36.106 172.69 present present two June 1970 2 June 1970 to pre127.286 35.612 247.04 ImsilImsil 127.286 35.612 247.04 to present sent 1 January Jangsu 1 January 1988 to 1988 to 127.520 35.657 406.49 Jangsu 127.520 35.657 406.49 present present 24 January 24 January 1972 to Geochang 127.909 35.667 225.95 Geochang 1972 127.909 35.667 225.95 present to present2 two three three four 4 52.2. Intense Climate IndicesWater 2021, 13, x. and eightThe 17 intense climate indices Nitrocefin Biological Activity analyzed within this study, are summarized in Table 2. Nine of the indices had been derived from day-to-day (maximum minimum) temperature indices (No. 1), and every day precipitation indices (No. 107), respectively. When a majorityWater 2021, 13,four ofof the indices have been analyzed depending on three diverse temporal scales (i.e., annual, seasonal, and month-to-month), four indices (i.e., RX5 day, SDII, CDD, and CWD) had been only analyzed based on an annual time scale. These four indices create irrational benefits when disintegrated into finer time scales (i.e., seasonal, monthly), due to their calculation approach. As an example, for the consecutive dry days, the count can start off from 29 July and end by 15 August; within this case, counting the consecutive dry days (CDD) per month, or per season, can lead to ambiguous CDD index, and may well invalidate the accurate description in the index.Table two. Summary of all 17 ETCCDI climate indices analyzed in this study, grouped in accordance with its classification. Index Classification Cold duration No. 1 two three 4 five Intensity indices– Temperature 6 7 8 9 ten Intensity indices– Precipitation 11 12 13 Frequency indices– Precipitation 14 15 Climate Index Frost nighttime Frost daytime Summer season daytime Summer season nighttime Coldest nighttime temperature Warmest nighttime temperature Coldest daytime temperature Warmest daytime temperature Diurnal temperature variety Max 1-day precipitation depth Max 5-day precipitation depth Very simple everyday intensity index Total wet-day precipitation Days with heavy precipitation Days with pretty heavy precipitation Consecutive dry days ID FD ID SU TR TNn TNx TXn TXx DTR RX1day RX5 day SDII PRCPTOT R10 R20 Threshold Description Number of days when Tmin 0 C Variety of days when Tmax 0 C Number of days when Tmax 25 C Quantity.